Most mornings, when I check my email it just consists of a lot of junk or stuff I won't read so I quickly delete it all. Well, this morning, whilst moving 18 messages to the trash one jumped out at me and I gasped. It was my weekly pregnancy update that read: "Only 6 weeks left!"
WHAT?! How is that possible? It seems like last week I was just finding out this little one was a girl.
I guess it's time for a pregnancy update, here goes...
How far along? 34 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Somewhere around 15-20 lbs. Since I wasn't sure of my weight pre-preggo it's hard to tell. I'm not crazy about the weight gain but was pleased that from my doctor's appointment 3 weeks ago to the latest one, I hadn't gained any!
Maternity clothes? You betchya! In fact, I've gotten to that point that my belly sticks out of some and I can wear the parachute-like maternity shirts. They're VERY attractive by the way. ;-)
Stretch marks? Boy do I! I didn't get any stretch marks until the last 3 weeks with Jackson. But I've already got more with this little girl. They're also extremely attractive...NOT!
Sleep: HAHAHAHAHAHA! I have terrible restless leg, get hot and cold, hot and cold all night, and Ruth is constantly on the move. I just cannot seem to get a full night's rest anymore. I guess it's my body's way of preparing for the baby's arrival.
Best moment this week: I've had several great moments in the past week or so. Got the nursery painted, got much of the decor to put on the walls, and have started moving in furniture!
Movement: Tons. All.the.time. She's a wild woman!
Food cravings: Cheesy things and meats. I have reached that point that my stomach is smushed so I can't eat much at one sitting though. Plus, my iron is low so I have to eat A LOT of red meat and leafy greens now.
Gender: GIRL!
Labor Signs: No true labor signs. I have been feeling a lot of pressure "down there" and have had a few Braxton Hicks contractions when I stand for a while.
Belly Button in or out? Totally out or flat depending on her position.
Wedding rings on or off? On...but around my neck. :)
What I miss: Being quick to move, a full night's sleep, and getting through a day without something hurting -- my back, tailbone, leg cramps, muscle spasms, etc.
What I am looking forward to: Getting the nursery finished!
Weekly Wisdom: Get your crap together! You only have 6 weeks left woman!
Milestones: I'm not sure there are any left??
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Friday, January 20, 2012
The Moment Every Mother Dreads: Chocolate or Poop?
The Parsons' household is currently in the thick of potty training.
Day 1 went as well as can be expected and I could bore you with all the details but last night things really got interesting!
As we were putting Jackson in the tub, he started to go pee pee. So, I picked him up and put him on the toilet and he finished going. Of course, Bryan and I hooted and hollered and made ourselves look like fools as Jackson clapped and said "Yay!" And since he went on the potty, he got a few M&Ms. I let him eat them as he continued to sit on the potty and I rounded up a towel, pjs, etc and then Bryan put him in the tub.
This is what happened in the next 2-3 minutes:
I look down at the water and notice little brown flakes.
Me: What are those brown flakes in the water? Uh oh, I think he's pooping in the tub.
Me: What are those brown flakes in the water? Uh oh, I think he's pooping in the tub.
Bryan: What?
I slosh the water around only to notice more and more brown flakes.
Me: Yeah...Oh yeah, he's pooping in the tub. Quick we gotta get him out!
I slosh the water around only to notice more and more brown flakes.
Me: Yeah...Oh yeah, he's pooping in the tub. Quick we gotta get him out!
Bryan throws the potty seat on the toilet and I whisk Jackson out of the tub, his play razor still in hand and put him on the toilet.
Me: Jackson, you need to go poopie on the potty. Can you be a big boy and...
I'm stopped mid-sentence as I look at Jackson's face only to see his play razor, hands, and mouth covered in brown stuff.
Me: AHHHHH!...
I'm stopped mid-sentence as I look at Jackson's face only to see his play razor, hands, and mouth covered in brown stuff.
Me: AHHHHH!...
Bryan: What's wrong?
Me: He's eating it! HE'S EATING POOP! It's all over this razor. GROSS! HELP ME GET IT OFF! GROSS!
Jackson's smile is from cheek to cheek and he's fully enjoying this Crazy Mom bit I'm giving him.
Bryan: It's all over his legs too.
Me: Just get it off! AHHHHH!
Bryan, being the calm and logical one here, smells it.
Bryan: Wait, I think it's is just an M&M.
Bryan: Wait, I think it's is just an M&M.
I smell my fingers and drop to my knees as the panic leaves my body.
Me: Hallelujah Jesus, it's just chocolate!
Me: Hallelujah Jesus, it's just chocolate!
Bryan: Looking at me like I'm a crazy woman. Wooooooow!
Me: Just put him back in the tub.
Needless to say we both had a good laugh.
Nothing will make you feel disgust and panic like thinking your child is eating poop. NOTHING.
Hope you enjoyed!
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Christmas gives me writer's block.
I feel like I'm constantly apologizing for not writing blog posts lately. Truthfully, since the last post about Jackson's speech and Christmas, I've had a little bit of writers block.
My mind was and has been so consumed with other things: Jackson's speech delay and getting him an appointment with an audiologist and once a week speech therapy, Christmas presents, travel and everything else that comes with the holiday, trying to finally get things ready for Ruth to arrive in about 2 months (WHAAAAAT?!), transitioning Jackson to the big boy bed and potty training, and lastly a terrible accident we witnessed during our holiday travels.
Needless to say, I've been a little overwhelmed with everything. Good thing is, I'm finally settling into the stress and just taking things one day at a time instead of worrying.
The Christmas holiday was wonderful. We spent 2 weeks in North and South Carolina and spent lots of time with friends and family. The wonderful people in my life threw us two baby showers: one with family in NC and one with friends in SC. We were so blessed by the gifts, but more than that, we are more blessed by the love and support we have in all of them. Jackson got to spend lots of time with aunts, uncles, and grandparents and was spoiled rotten by them! There were of course some stressful times of the trip -- but that just comes with traveling out of state and trying to see everyone and make everyone happy.
As I stated before, we did witness a tragic accident on the last day we were in SC. On our way to church that morning we witnessed an alleged drunk driver crash into the side of a mini-van containing a family on their way to church. The parents and 4 children were inside. The youngest, a 6 year old little girl, was killed in the accident. It was horrible to witness and Bryan and I have had this family heavy on our hearts and minds ever since. I still find myself getting nervous behind the wheel. I'm sure the people around me keep wondering why it takes me so long to turn at an intersection or go once the light turns green because I find myself checking around me like five times before I can muster up the guts to hit the gas. Those of you who follow me personally on Facebook know the story and have probably been keeping up with the news stories I've posted. Just please continue to keep the Longstreet family in your prayers as it will be a long healing process for them both physically and emotionally. God has shown His grace through this family and I'm sure He will continue to win souls for His glory through the loss of this sweet little girl.
Since we've been home we've just been trying to get ready for baby! It took several coats of paint, but we finally got the ugly green room painted yellow and are set to start moving the baby furniture from Jackson's room to Ruth's room and start decorating. I'm also searching for a dresser or chest to refinish and have a few more things to buy before Ruth gets here. I hope she takes her time!
Continue to keep Jackson in your prayers as he starts speech therapy tomorrow. We're also starting potty training on Thursday and going to move him to a twin size bed in the next few days. Pray he adjusts quickly and effortlessly to all the transition and changes!
Stay tuned to the blog for a New Years Resolution post and pregnancy updates along with pictures of the nursery.
I'll leave you with a few of my favorite pictures from the holidays.
My mind was and has been so consumed with other things: Jackson's speech delay and getting him an appointment with an audiologist and once a week speech therapy, Christmas presents, travel and everything else that comes with the holiday, trying to finally get things ready for Ruth to arrive in about 2 months (WHAAAAAT?!), transitioning Jackson to the big boy bed and potty training, and lastly a terrible accident we witnessed during our holiday travels.
Needless to say, I've been a little overwhelmed with everything. Good thing is, I'm finally settling into the stress and just taking things one day at a time instead of worrying.
The Christmas holiday was wonderful. We spent 2 weeks in North and South Carolina and spent lots of time with friends and family. The wonderful people in my life threw us two baby showers: one with family in NC and one with friends in SC. We were so blessed by the gifts, but more than that, we are more blessed by the love and support we have in all of them. Jackson got to spend lots of time with aunts, uncles, and grandparents and was spoiled rotten by them! There were of course some stressful times of the trip -- but that just comes with traveling out of state and trying to see everyone and make everyone happy.
As I stated before, we did witness a tragic accident on the last day we were in SC. On our way to church that morning we witnessed an alleged drunk driver crash into the side of a mini-van containing a family on their way to church. The parents and 4 children were inside. The youngest, a 6 year old little girl, was killed in the accident. It was horrible to witness and Bryan and I have had this family heavy on our hearts and minds ever since. I still find myself getting nervous behind the wheel. I'm sure the people around me keep wondering why it takes me so long to turn at an intersection or go once the light turns green because I find myself checking around me like five times before I can muster up the guts to hit the gas. Those of you who follow me personally on Facebook know the story and have probably been keeping up with the news stories I've posted. Just please continue to keep the Longstreet family in your prayers as it will be a long healing process for them both physically and emotionally. God has shown His grace through this family and I'm sure He will continue to win souls for His glory through the loss of this sweet little girl.
Since we've been home we've just been trying to get ready for baby! It took several coats of paint, but we finally got the ugly green room painted yellow and are set to start moving the baby furniture from Jackson's room to Ruth's room and start decorating. I'm also searching for a dresser or chest to refinish and have a few more things to buy before Ruth gets here. I hope she takes her time!
Continue to keep Jackson in your prayers as he starts speech therapy tomorrow. We're also starting potty training on Thursday and going to move him to a twin size bed in the next few days. Pray he adjusts quickly and effortlessly to all the transition and changes!
Stay tuned to the blog for a New Years Resolution post and pregnancy updates along with pictures of the nursery.
I'll leave you with a few of my favorite pictures from the holidays.
Santa came a week early at our house. Jackson still loves his kitchen! |
Now he can help Daddy set up everything for Ruth. |
Jackson got his first truck at age 2. I'm glad he's not spoiled! |
Finally got my new auto lens. I make this face every time I use it. Eeeeek! |
No caption needed. His face says it all... |
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Just riding his trike! |
Jackson helped open all his sister's presents. |
Covered in prayer. |
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