Earlier today, I felt like I deserved an award for Best Mom. I took Jackson to his Speech Therapy evaluation and he did great. He tested right where he should be and DOESN'T NEED SPEECH THERAPY!! I wanted to jump, dance, and shout it from the roof tops. I'm so happy he is improving so quickly with his speech but most of all I'm THRILLED that I don't have to drive an hour away for a 30 minute speech therapy session every week. (Sorry if that's selfish, but you know you'd be happy about that too!)
I was also SUPER excited to come home and find my new AppState colored hula hoop from Hoopenanigans. Bryan had already gotten it set up, so I immediately went to hooping.
Isn't she lovely? |
I was a little frustrated because I couldn't keep it off the ground, but I finally figured it out. Right as I started getting good I felt a thump and then heard a scream - the kind of scream that comes out silent at first because you're catching your breath - yeah, it was that bad. Jackson had walked right into the path of the hoop behind me. Keep in mind this is not a hula hoop you'd buy in the toy section of your favorite super store. This is a large, thick, weighted adult hula hoop. I grabbed him but couldn't get him stop clutching me long enough to look at his face. When I finally got a peek I saw this...
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Would it be inappropriate to tell everyone he was in a bar brawl? I'm not sure which one shows worse parenting skills. |
And, today's Mazzie for Worst Mommy goes to...
The bar comment reminds of me of Sweet Home Alabama. "Lurlynn, look at you! You have a baby! In a bar..."