Until, I can blog about something a little more interesting, I'll keep you updated on my pregnancy via pregnancy survey...
How far along? 11 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: +1.4 lbs - slow and steady...let's keep it that way!
Maternity clothes? Still not in them completely. I'm definitely having to use a hair tie to button all my pants now though and am trying to wear baggier shirts as my belly doesn't look like a baby bump, but resembles more of a beer gut right now. I don't think I'll get a lot of "Oh look, she's pregnant. How cute?!" looks, they are more like, "Wow, Lindsey's really put on some weight!" looks.
Stretch marks? Only the ones left by Jackson.
Sleep: I'm taking phenergan about every other night to help with all-day sickness so I'm sleeping pretty darn well. At least when Jackson let's me. I don't want to talk about it.
Best moment this week: Went to the doctor Monday and had another ultrasound! The baby was super wiggly and we could even make out it's hands. It was measuring a little big so they moved the due date to March 8!
![]() |
3 mm long. Heartbeat was 164. |
Movement: Too early to feel it but the baby was clearly squirming like crazy on the ultrasound!
Food cravings: Haven't had many in the past couple weeks. My biggest problem right now is a bad taste in my mouth that makes the nausea worse. So, I'm always drinking or eating things with fruity flavors to help get rid of it.
Gender: Chinese gender calendar says girl. It was right with Jackson. We'll see!
Labor Signs: Am I going to have to keep answering this question for the next 29 weeks?
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On!
What I miss: Having an appetite, and not feeling pukey. I'm definitely ready for this part to be OVER!
What I am looking forward to: Knowing the gender. I don't know how I'm going to wait until the end of October.
Weekly Wisdom: The end of the "morning sickness" should be drawing near. When you are ready to break down b/c you're not feeling well, think "The Little Engine That Could."
Milestones: Starting to show, saw the first movement on the ultrasound, nausea is getting better gradually.
Well chinese gender is 50/50...im putting my guess in and saying boy! So excited to find out!! and will call soon:)!